The event organised by the Sri Lanka Institute of National Tourist Guide Lecturers to commemorate the World Tourist Guide Day was successfully held on the 21st of February, with the participation of more than a hundred members.
During the first half of the day, Professor Raj Somadeva delivered a very important lecture, entitled “Archaeology of the 21st Century”, and the lecture dealt with many significant findings of modern archaeology. The professor also elaborated on the need to use new techniques like “story telling” in presenting such knowledge to the tourist.
As the second half of the morning programme “The Traveller” magazine, the official printed publication of the Sri Lanka Institute of National Tourist Guide Lecturers, was launched. We hope that this magazine, which contains many important articles and colourful photographs in a very attractive format, is published in accordance with all international standards and will help to carry the name of the National Tourist Guide to the world. Mr. Upali Ratnayake and Mrs. Tharanga Rupasinghe representing the Sri Lanka Tourism Development Authority, Mr. Nishad Wijetunga – President of SLAITO, Mrs. Anne Pitt – one of our sponsors, and former presidents of our institute Mr. Joe Livera and Mr. Bobby Senaweera were our guests of honour. Our Patrons Mrs. Yasmin Abeysuriya, Mr. Christopher Silva, Mr. Ravi Munasinghe and other pioneers of the institute also graced the occasion. The first copy of the magazine was presented to Mr. Bobby Senaweera by President Manoj Maddage.
After the lunch break, the Organiser Notebook for tour guides was launched. This notebook is to be issued from this year onwards instead of the annual diary of the institute. The introductory speech about this notebook was given by its chief editor Mr. Senaka Jayadeva.
As the final phase of the programme, the proposed free insurance scheme for the membership was introduced. Mr. Anura Hemachandra gave the inaugural speech and the representatives of Allianz Insurance Company explained the scheme to the audience.