
Annual General Meeting 2024 -2025

The Annual General Meeting of Sri Lanka Institute Of National Tourist Guide Lecturers was successfully held on the 30th of June 2024 at SLINT-GL Auditorium. For More Details Click Here.

“Sanchaaraka Udaawa” 2024

Sri lankan premium travel and tourism exhibition “Sanchaaraka Udaawa” was held at BMICH Srimavo Bandaranayake Hall on 17th and 18th   may 2024. for more detail click here

A Lecture by Professor Dananjaya Gamalath on Archeological perspectives of Plonnaruwa

A lectures about the Archeological perspectives of Plonnaruwa, organized by the Educational Program Division of the Sri Lanka Institute of National Tourist Guide Lecturers was successfully held on the 26th of April 2024 with the participation of a large number of members. please click here for more details

The Evolution of the Sri Lankan Music by Nadeeka Guruge

The lecture by Mr Nadeeka Guruge on Evolution of Sri Lankan Music was held on 15th November at the SLINTGL auditorium. please click for more details.

Lecture by Prof. Raj Somadewa (part 2)

The part 2 of the lecture titled “Foreign influences in the Art and Architecture of the Cultural Triangle” by Prof Raj Somadewa was held on 25th of July 2023 at the auditorium of SLINTGL.  Click here for more details.

RUSSO Cricket Cup ll – 2023.

On Saturday, June 17, 2023, the annual Russo Cup ll cricket tournament was grandiosely completed at the Gatambe stadium Kandy. the tournament was organized by the Russian wing of SLINTGL, The Russian Speaking Tourist Guide Association. click here for more details.


A three day program titled an ‘Introduction to Birds and Interpretation’was organised by the Lanka Institute of National Tour Guide Lecturers in collaboration with the Field Ornithology Group of Sri Lanka from 12th till 14th June 2023. Please click for more information

Sancharaka Udawa 2023

The Sri Lanka Institute of National Tour Guide Lecturers Association was represented once again at Sancharaka Udawa held at the BMICH premises on 19th and 20th May. please click here for more details

World Tourist Guide Day

The event organised by the Sri Lanka Institute of National Tourist Guide Lecturers to commemorate the World Tourist Guide Day was successfully held on the 21st of February, with the participation of more than a hundred members.

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Lecture No 03. Biodiversity, Culture and Tourism.

The third of the series of scholarly lectures organised by the Educational Program Division of the Sri Lanka Institute of National Tourist Guide Lecturers was successfully held on the 23rd of November 2022 with the participation of a large number of members.

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Inaugural Session of Weekly Yoga Course.

Marking another step in the educational program conducted by the Sri Lanka Institute of National Tourist Guide Lecturers, the inaugural session of the weekly yoga course was held with great success on 6th November 2022. More than thirty members participated in the program that day and veteran yoga instructor Mr. Dananja Mettasinghe generously presented many vital facts and exercises.

This program is scheduled to be held every Sunday at 4.30 pm from now on. We request that you, as a member of our institution, take care of your physical and mental health by continuing to participate in this course, which is conducted with its primary focus on your well-being.

Diploma in Archaeology and Cultural Tourism PGIAR

53 National Tourist Guide Lecturers successfully completed the course and were awarded the Diploma at a simple but dignified ceremony held at the Auditorium of the National Museum.  

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The Sri Lanka Institute of National Tourist Guide Lecturers held an online lecture on Human Settlements in Sri Lanka

The Sri Lanka Institute of National Tourist Guide Lecturers held an online lecture on Human Settlements in Sri Lanka on the 30th of October 2022. It was conducted by Mr. Don Anil Munasinghe, who is a member of our institute. Mr Munasinghe has completed his higher studies in the Russian Federation and bears Postgraduate Diplomas in Palaeobiodiversity as well as Archaeology and Cultural Tourism from the Postgraduate Institute of Archaeology (PGIAR), University of Kelaniya

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Sigiriya architectural complex, from the creators designing point of view.

The Sri Lanka Institute of National Tour Guide Lecturers (SLINTGL) in collaboration with the Lions Club, Colombo held a lecture at the SLINTGL Auditorium on Friday, 14th October, 2022.

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World Tourism Day – 2022

Since 1980, the United Nations World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO) has celebrated World Tourism Day on 27th September.

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