SLINTGL lecture on 14th October 2022
The Sri Lanka Institute of National Tour Guide Lecturers (SLINTGL) in collaboration with the Lions Club, Colombo held a lecture at the SLINTGL Auditorium on Friday 14th October, 2022. The lecture titled DISCOVERING SIGIRIYA, Visualizing the Ancient Sigiriya Complex through a Contemporary Architects Perspective ‘ was presented by Mr. Sanath Abeysekere- Lecturer and Researcher- Art and Architecture, ( MARCH- Moscow Architecture State Academy / BSc, MSc/Post Graduate Diploma in Conservation of Mural Paintings, University of ICROM, Italy.
Mr.Abeysekere provided precious less known insights while lecturing on the latest discoveries at the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Sigiriya. The final Q & A session was engaging and enlightening with over a hundred NTGL’S participating. SLINTGL will be conducting more lectures in the near future and hope to keep you all posted.