Social responsibility

Experts in diverse fields are among the ranks of SLINTGL. Our members use their expertise, for the greater good of the public and to sustain the image of a Paradise on this tropical Island of ours.
Here we present some of the community projects undertaken recently.

Looking after our nature

During closure of our borders due to the COVID-19, some of our proactive members, dedicated their time and creativity to promote awareness among the population, on how to protect and further improve our Paradise Island, making it an even greater attraction to our visitors.

Life saving skills

Our current SLINTGL President Dr. Mahesh Priyadarshana is the Executive Course Director at Sri Lankan SEALS. He is an expert in outdoor activity training and a qualified Advanced Open Water Diver & Lifesaver as well as a Fire fighter, First-Aider, Survival Trainer for Commando, Naval, STF & Police Units.
In this video he shares some practical tips in improvising Life saving aides, when you encounter an unexpected situation, while outdoors.