The third of the series of scholarly lectures organised by the Educational Program Division of the Sri Lanka Institute of National Tourist Guide Lecturers was successfully held on the 23rd of November 2022 with the participation of a large number of members.
This lecture was delivered by Dr. Kalum Manamendra Arachchi, who is a specialist in biodiversity conservation, taxonomy, biogeography, paleontology, herpetology, ichthyology and osteology. During the lecture, direct and indirect effects of biodiversity and culture on the tourism industry were analysed in depth.
We believe that this lecture was extremely helpful in enhancing the knowledge of our general membership. We feel that the way Dr. Kalum Manamendera Arachchi generously shared his expertise with our members, who are settling their sights on the other side of the ocean called knowledge, was admirable and we would like to thank him for that.
On behalf of all the members, we would like to express our gratitude to Mr. Anil Munasinghe, Director (Training), who worked hard to make these sessions successful, and to our dedicated President, Mr. Manoj Maddage.